Monday, February 21, 2011

M Coffee Restaurant Interior Lighting Design, Hooman Balazadeh

Hooman Balazadeh architecture designer has created the unique contemporary cafe restaurant interior lighting decorating idea presented on M Cafe Interior architectural which can be found in Tehran, Iran.

The spatial modern cafe restaurant concept is to present a significant solid mass that connects the entrance to the room at the service counter and also illustrates the ceiling and walls as a continuous element. This solid mass provides the essential light area indirectly and removes any sharp and disturbing light. The form is generated by morphing two curves over each other that creates a wide variety of points of view different perspectives and diverse experiences in each location. To avoid a multiplicity of materials, two basic materials are selected to cause the spatial quality and flow of relaxing light in space.

Light cream base layer covering the roof and walls and envelopes continuously dark wood floor, parts of the walls, furniture, entry, and the service counter and the kitchen continuously.


1 comment:

  1. wah keren juga blognya gan,simple tapi exclusive...keren2...

    mampir di blog ane juga ya
